
Invitation to the Girls High 50th!!! Reunion

Dear Classmates,
It took us 50 years…and we finally made it to the Ritz! Fifty years ago the Philadelphia High School for Girls Class of 209 walked the aisles of the Academy of Music. Join us for a fun filled, nostalgic Philadelphia weekend with old friends; to reminisce, to ignite old friendships and to honor our roots as Girls High Girls.

WHENApril 24 — 26, 2015

WHERE:  Main event, the reunion luncheon, will be held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Center City on Saturday, April 25, noon to 4 p.m. Classmates only.

Click here for printable version of ACTIVITIES details. Your spouse/partner/guest is welcome to all additional reunion events.
  • Friday, April 24, 3 to 4 p.m.  Visit Girls High School, meet with the principal, see the Archives
  • Saturday, April 25, 6 to 10 p.m.  Cocktail party at the home of a classmate
    in center city
  • Sunday, April 25, 11 a.m.  Brunch gathering at the historic Bourse Building
  • Sunday, April 26, 1 p.m.  Choice of docent-led tours of the African-American Museum  OR the Museum of American Jewish History
ACCOMMODATIONS:  Click here for printable version of BOOKING details
  • Luncheon Event Hotel: Ritz-Carlton,10 Avenue of the Arts (Broad & Chestnut Streets), discounted rate for attendees
  • Club Quarters, 1628 Chestnut Street
  • The Independent Hotel, 1234 Locust Street, includes breakfast
  • Alexander Inn, 301 South 12th Street, includes breakfast
  • Home hospitality: We will attempt to match you with a classmate who lives locally and can accommodate one classmate.
**Make your hotel reservations ASAP as there are other major events in the city on this weekend and waiting may reduce your choices. **

Girls High 50th Reunion, RSVP by MARCH 31, 2015
Click here for a printable RSVP FORM. Complete the form, enclose check(s) for your choices and mail to:
Linda Klevit Hahn, 237 S Hutchinson St. Philadelphia, PA 19107 

Please consider making a donation to support a class gift to our Alma Mater when you register for the reunion.  Click here for CLASS GIFT details.

KEEP IN TOUCH: All information and updates can be found on our WEB SITE  

and our class FACEBOOK page

We expect more than 100 of our classmates to attend. Please join us for this milestone event!!!

Copyright © 2015 Philadelphia High School for Girls - Mary Cogan Frankel, All rights reserved.
2015 Girls High Reunion 

The 50th Reunion Planning Committee:
Louise Anglanick Okin, Mary Cogan Frankel, Helene Feinberg Walker, Helen Friedman Rosenfarb, Gwyn Gay Williams, Marlene Jackson Jones, Linda Klevit Hahn, Linda Lieberman Dennery, Penny Leon Glackman, Resa Levinson, Sally Nimoityn Smith, Deena Petty Blum, Irene Pompetti-Szul, Jeanette Seymour, Arlene Sing Fong Craig, Andrea Wachs Zeichner, Marcy Witlin Basickes, Marva Wright James, Joanne Zal Cohen

Class Gift

Make Our Class Gift Count! Please give!
Even in 1965 it took more than selling dill pickles and soft pretzels to subsidize programs and activities offered "Girls High Girls". Today's student body confronts problems that have nothing to do with Algebra, Biology or French. The chronic crisis in public school funding makes layoffs, schedule disruptions and overcrowded classrooms today's norm. . . Pink marble halls are beautiful, but they can't compensate for lack of ready cash to cover a bare minimum of supplies! Or fund Extracurricular Activities! Or sustain the beloved Arts, Music and Gymnastic programs! School nurses? Guidance counselors? Librarians? All gone! Or working hours dramatically reduced! The school is struggling to maintain a semblance of all the services we took for granted.

Still, graduating from GHS remains an honor and a privilege thanks to the strong leadership of Principal Parthenia Moore, the loyalty of the faculty, bright students who care - and a devoted Alumnae Association.

You won't be surprised to hear that choral music remains a beloved GHS tradition - --but there was no Carol Assembly this year; the voice of Treble Clef was silenced. Why? Because the school budget will no longer stretch to cover faculty overtime for after-school enrichment activities.

Wasn't it often those very same enrichment programs that actually defined the GHS experience?

The 209 was always an extraordinary class. Let's prove we haven't lost our touch!
You - yes, every one of us - can help bring that glorious music back to life.  The 209's Class Gift to the school will be used to underwrite Treble Clef Rehearsals for many, many months to come.

Our Goal is to raise $10,450 - that's 209 times 50 years! If we meet our goal, our gift will be the largest ever to the school. We're well on our way, having raised over $7,500. But we need more. And we really need your help to get us there. Even if you were unable to attend the 50th Reunion, your commitment to Girls High and our class is needed.

Happily, the gods are smiling again on the 209! We have "angels" who have agreed to match your contribution - up to a certain amount - so whatever you give will go twice as far!

Please look into your heart and dig deep into your pockets! Remember that your gift will be matched! So reach for your checkbook today and write that check today. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

Please give generously - you'll be so glad you did.

Please make your check payable to:
Philadelphia High School for Girls Alumnae Association.

Mail your check by MAY 8 to:
Ms. Linda Klevit Hahn, 237 S Hutchinson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.

With warmest regards to all,
Linda Lieberman Dennery

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